Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chill Pill

Remember the last time you needed to pry open a kid's mouth and attempt to make him swallow a triaminic PILL, and he chomped down and bit your finger?
Oh, not you?
Well, maybe your little girl just doesn't like to swallow pills. Now you can put a strip between her teeth and gum, and medicate her with triaminic strips.

Pills lose about 70% of their "helpful parts" while traveling throught the digestive system. And it takes about 30-40 minutes. The STRIP technology, only loses about 15% of its "good stuff" and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream as it bypasses the digestive system and actually takes about 2-5 minutes to be absorbed.

Beverages also take about 30 minutes to get into your system and lose 40-50% of their nutrients.

Now, Healthsport Incorporated, has a dual layered patent pending technology that can "bake" double layers into strips.

You may have seen ENLYTEN strips at the GNC store, or ACADEMY SPORTS..... they quickly put ELECTROLYTES into your system via this technology. The Buffalo Bills were one of many NFL teams that utilized the strips.

But, guess what, attorneys for Gatorade decided that ENLYTEN was infringing on their "TITLE" of the electrolyte provider to the NFL, and SQUELCHED that angle of marketing/advertising.

The products did little more than sit on the shelf at the various stores around the country.

Enlyten is NOT a brand new technology and product line. Buffalo Bills QB Jim Kelley's brother was involved in earlier stages. This article will help you understand what one of the products is about.
Here's the CNBC story

Now, some visionary entrepreneurs gleaned on to the idea that this technology could be shared with millions via the two hot communication and business building vehicles.
And we ended up with this blockbuster combo:

Social Media, the new "people to people" communication vehicle, teamed up with NETWORK MARKETING, the "old" word of mouth advertising, to produce a powerful distribution/marketing/sales system that improves the LIVES of millions.

If you are lucky enough to read this entry, then I urge you to be open to learn about this technology and the opportunity that it presents. I must admit that I am personally surprised that I've "bought" in to another network. First, let me be clear, I have not literally "BOUGHT" anything yet.


Because ENLYTEN is not even a "ground floor" opportunity yet.

The scheduled LAUNCH day for this life changing company is January 8, 2009.

If you would like more information, please email to :

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